How Lazygit Changed My Git Life

/ 256 words / me software

This article is just about me sharing love to a FOSS Git TUI, called Lazygit.

Lazygit now has over 36k stars on GitHub, so for most of you that work with Git on a regular basis might’ve already heard about Lazygit.

Release v0.38.0 brought some very nice changes, the biggest one for me has to be the revamped commit panel. You are now able to add commit description easily and most importantly very fast.

Talking about fast, ever since I started using Lazygit about 1 year ago, my Git productivity has skyrocketed - no more buttons to press, no more commands to write, because you are able to do everything with keybinds inside Lazygit, meaning you don’t have to remember commands that you use once in a blue moon. Another killer feature is interactive merging/rebasing, I have never ever before went through merge conflicts this efficiently - it’s simply awesome.

If you have never tried Lazygit before, give it a shot and I can guarantee you that using Git will become fun once again. I have included some instructions on how to install Lazygit below, as well as the repo if I didn’t include your distro. Also make sure to watch the author’s showcase video, it might be a little out of date now, but it still shows the basic functionality pretty well - i’ve also included it down below.

Arch Linux: pacman -S lazygit

Homebrew (Mac): brew install lazygit

Scoop (Windows): scoop install lazygit

Fun fact: This article was committed using Lazygit. :)