Stats & Contact Pages Added

/ 189 words / update


I have added 3 new pages on my website - contact, stats and privacy policy.

The contact page should be self explanatory, you can find all the possible ways you can get in touch with me there - be it social media or email, for which I’ve also setup a encryption, so feel free to contact me this way if you need something more personal.

Second is the stats page, this one shows pretty much all relevant stats for this blog! Be it the average word count per article or announcement, first ever written blog, or the longest article ever written. Check it yourself! I believe with time it’s going to be much more interesting :P.

And the third is the privacy policy page, as I say on the page itself, I collect very basic information for simple analytics using GoAccess, you can find more information on the page itself. I have also added a hyperlink to this page to the website’s footer.

I’d also like to add an about page at some point, but I need to come up with stuff to write there :D

See ya!